Friday, January 28, 2011

Lesson 170

With my refilled cup of hot chocolate, a small heater and a classroom devoid of students, I spread open my lesson plan book and curriculum folders to prepare for upcoming February. As much as I enjoy my students, I also enjoy the quiet moments where I get to reorganize and prep for the upcoming school days.

Upon concluding the month's Arithmetic lessons, I realized that I would be needing to use the lessons that I had separated into the third and final folder. Lesson 170 was still in the front of this final curriculum folder, right where I left it at the end of last year. Lesson 170, the last lesson of the school year. My heart dropped a little, somehow wanting to delay the fact that the end of the year comes closer everyday. I know that lots of teachers look forward to sending their students forward to a new adventure in third grade and receive a fresh new group of students, but I wont be one of those teachers this year. I'll receive an exit stamp on my expiring visa and leave behind part of my heart that belongs to a people group that I have grown to love.

I know that I've got about 90 wonderful lessons ahead of me, and I'm excited to partake in them with my students. However, it's those small reminders of my due date to trust in God for a new direction that causes me to want to say, "But my Lord and Master, I do want to stay here." Lesson 170 will be a review lesson for my students, but for me it will be a learning lesson that I've committed to following  God, who has drawn me into his kingdom and asks me to be faithful unto him.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Changing Heart

There is a clipping of one of my student's homework assignment that hangs on my bedroom mirror. It is a constant reminder of why I get up early and head down to a small school inside of the West Bank, Palestine. In fact, I may always keep this piece of paper with me.

We've been learning about hiding God's Word in our heart. I've even "warned" my students about opening the Bible. They know that if they open this special book and read the words, they wont be the same. It's fun to see the excitement these kids have on their faces, so eager to get a hold of a Bible.

To illustrate hiding God's Word in our heart, we've been watering our water pearls daily. Each student has a container holding small water beads. After our Bible lesson and morning prayer students carefully open their container and pour water over the pearls, symbolizing their hearts. Students are thrilled to see the hard beads enlarge into soft pearls. Once lids are screwed on, students sing "read you Bible and pray every day and you'll grow, grow, grow" song.

It's cute to see their little bodies crouched on the ground growing tall as they sing their songs, but it's that one piece of paper hanging on my mirror that encourages my heart the greatest. This particular Muslim student copied his Bible verse of the week, Psalm 119:11, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Underneath he illustrated the verse with a stick figured character with outstretched hands and a smile on its face. Next to the figure are the words..."his heart is changing."