Saturday, September 28, 2013

Gathering Chestnuts

Yesterday we wandered through the park, trying to keep warm and trying to wind down the energy of our little toddler. We crossed paths with a couple of women who nanny some of the kids in our apartment complex. Josiah likes to join up with them because one of the boys is always bound to have a toy car with them. I enjoy the company of the nannies. They are sweet, but usually quick to question why I don't have Josiah dressed warm enough. Must keep those ears covered!

In spring, I saw Ana, one of the nannies picking buds off a blooming tree to take home for some tea. Today, she was leisurely talking to another nanny and started picking up some of the chestnuts that had fallen from the trees. That was all the invite we needed!

Soon we were wandering through the trees gathering chestnuts galore until our pockets were stuffed full. After the toy cars drove on with their little owners, Josiah too joined in the gathering. But most of his time was chasing after that one chestnut that kept sneaking out of his stuffed pocket. We had fun, all three of us, out in the wooded park gathering nuts off the ground. In fact, we came back the next day better prepared with a bag and basket, which gathered many other things, thanks to Josiah.

The only thing we didn't know, was that we were gathering horse chestnuts, the other chestnut you are not supposed to eat! I guess we should have questioned why no one else was picking up the abundance  of chestnuts. Maybe the nannies were using them for decoration purposes, who knows. I guess God made some things to taste bitter for a chestnuts are one of those foods.

Oh well....making family memories can be fun, even if they are 'bitter.'

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