Monday, April 14, 2014

Preparing For Baby

Three weeks to go and we'll be welcoming our newest little one to our family. The reality that our family will grow to four has not sunk in, but we are excited. Just as we couldn't have imagined life after Josiah, we'll feel the same way once this little one is in our arms.

37 weeks feels good to me. Looking back on this pregnancy journey, I have a feeling of gratefulness that we are finally here...with a few weeks to spare to help realize that a new life will be coming. So I'm treasuring the last moments of pregnancy, still uncharming as they might be, getting extra snuggles in with my little one, finding out all the more how amazing of a husband and father Michael is, and taking advantage of some extra sleep.

We're thankful to a giver who has helped us afford care at the international hospital

He is one awesome dad!
Our first baby crib!
Practicing how to hold baby with Fuzzy Wuzzy.

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