Monday, May 12, 2014

Welcoming Baby Evan

"What was I thinking?!" was the question that ran through my head as I gripped the bed railing and muttered a few words and then called on Jesus. Yes, I got to that point in my labor where I questioned my sanity for going through labor again.

When I gave birth to my firstborn, I had a textbook labor. I still can tell you the hour my contractions started, when we timed them and when we chose to head to the hospital. But my second born decided to switch things up. I've heard siblings are different, so I guess their entrance into this world can be too!

I woke up on my due date thinking that this baby wouldn't be born today. I was feeling pretty good. The night before I had irregular contractions but they faded as I went to bed. After breakfast I took a walk to the pharmacy to pick up a needed item. I had to stop a few times as I started my irregular contractions again. Mike and I decided that I was fine and he should go to his morning Bible study. Even though my contractions continued they remained short and the pain low in my abdomen, signs that it was false labor....according to the internet.

I was confused as to what my body was doing, but the pleas of my toddler to go outside won me over. Needless to say, the rest of my morning was spent on the playground, crawling around building train tracks and picking up toys. I'd stop to work though my 'false' labor and then continue about my day.

Mike got home and I felt a sense of relief to have him nearby. Josiah went down for a nap and I jumped into the shower to try and slow down my contractions. I'll spare you the details of the other signs of labor. By now I was seriously thinking I was in labor and started asking God for signs if I should go to the hospital. I like to labor at home, but I didn't want to be foolish and wait too long if this was indeed labor.

With a wet head and comfy clothes on, we began timing my contractions again. They were still only 30 seconds long but 3 min apart and very painful. It was then my water broke and my very excited husband exclaimed that we were going to have a baby!

Our babysitter and ride rushed over as fast as they could, and we were off to the hospital.

Mike and I were separated as he had to fill out paperwork and dress for the delivery room. I don't think the nurses knew how far along I was in my labor. But when the doctor checked me she said I would have this baby in 20 minutes.

It all happened fast. I remember asking where my husband was, snapping at the doctor when she told me not to push and asking if they saw a head. And then it was all done. I had a wet, little blue baby on my chest. He made his gurgling first cries right in my arms. It was beautiful.

Evan Alexandru was born May 5th. He is all sweetness. Mike and I are amazed at the little life God has made and feel beyond blessed that God has entrusted him to us.


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