Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Little Sunday Basketball

Josiah and I finally got to cheer on the Admirals and watch Daddy coach. The games start the same time Josiah goes down for a nap, so we don't usually make it to the weekly games. Do you want to watch a tired toddler at a basketball game? Me neither!

Luckily the game was at the nearest gym, which ONLY took 35 minutes to walk to. There is so much to see at a toddler's level....buses, dogs, trucks, cars driving by with dogs in the windows, patches of snow, more dogs, people standing on the corner chatting, and of course more dogs. By the time we got to the gym it was half time! Even though the Admirals took a loss it was great to cheer them on.

Admirals vs. DonBaschet

What a toddler looks like next to a basketball player
Admirals' smallest substitute

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