Friday, February 7, 2014

Reunions and Partings: A Special Year in Moldova

Sometimes you discover that the world can be smaller that you think, especially when you run into people you know while on the other side of world. Maybe I should rephrase that statement to, 'Sometimes you discover the love-blessings that God gives you in special ways, such as in reuniting you with special friends that you have known before.'

While in Palestine, I sent out a request for Christmas cards. What I received in return was a special friendship that brought together two old college alumnus. I learned that Marie and her family would be moving to Moldova to help with a church plant. A year after their move and nine years after graduating together from the same university, we were introducing our families to one another. I had completely forgotten that we lived on the same dorm floor and served as prayer leaders together. Now, I found myself blessed by a wonderful family. This family has given so much to us and taught us more on how to humbly and joyfully serve the Lord. It has been a year of gleaning from their encouragement and a year of watching our little ones have fun becoming good buddies. Little Mercy and Juju have become best buddies, playing, dancing, holding hands, yes, sharing kisses, and even the famous toddler spats.

The difficult part of the mission field or being an expat is that people come and go. It is the 'stinky' part of our work. In a few days both Juju and I will have to say good-bye to our Chisinau buddies as they follow the Lord into Romania as they'll serve and love on orphans in Bucharest. But I look upon this past year with gratefulness to God for bringing us together in a very special way.



Although I didn't know Teresa before arriving in Moldova, we literally lived next to each other. Like back to the same Bible college dorm room. Strange! Funny! Unique! I love how God allowed us to discover that we went to the same Bible college, at the same time and lived back to back with one another, yet we never met. Okay, it was for one semester. But I love the comedy in this. I've gleaned from Teresa's veteran experiences in Ukraine and Moldova, and if I don't know what to do or where to find an ingredient or a substitution, I know Teresa has the answer. It has been a blessing to watch her strength, sip coffee with her and fellowship alongside her as we monitor our two boys playing together. Yes, monitor. Our two boys already seem to exhort their manliness with one another. There are the few swings of the fists but it usually fades and then they are running around like crazy toddlers and long-time pals. I can see these two boys getting into some good memory-making trouble together!

These two women have been a blessing in my life and I'm grateful that God has given me the privilege of their friendship. I know Juju thinks the same thing.

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