Sunday, February 2, 2014

Russian Chocolate Salami

Chocolate salami? That's right. I wrote chocolate and salami together. Have I hooked your attention now?

I first had this dessert in Palestine, but when I saw it was also served in Moldova, I just couldn't pass it up. Besides, who can pass up a dessert called Chocolate Salami?

You'll be surprised at how easy it is to make and how it tastes delightfully like chocolate pudding.

Russian Chocolate Salami
300 gr. tea biscuits
200 gr. butter
4 tbsp. milk
2 tbsp. sugar
2 tbsp. cocoa powder
optional: powdered sugar

Step 1: Break tea biscuits into small coarse pieces and place in mixing bowl.
Step 2: In saucepan, heat milk, sugar, cocoa and stir until mixture is dissolved.
Step 3: Add sliced butter to cocoa mixture. Stir until melted.
Step 4: Pour butter/cocoa mixture into bowl with tea biscuits. Mix together.
Step 5: Lay mixture onto parchment paper and form tightly into a log shape. 
Step 6: Wrap in parchment paper and chill 3-4 hours. Slice and serve.
Optional: Before serving sprinkle with powdered sugar and rewrap to look like salami!

My mini helper!

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