Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Before Juju's buddies left for Romania we had to squeeze in one more playdate, so despite being a week early we had a fun little Valentine's Day party. But where is Teresa? Oh yes, someone had to take the picture.

There are a few flower markets that line the streets of Chisinau. I like walking by this flower market on the side of Cathedral Park and browse the beautiful arrangements the shop owners put on display. One long stem rose seemed to be the popular choice for people to buy for their special someone. I stopped to pick up Mike a little cactus as a V-Day gift. Did you know he likes cacti?

I remember my mom putting little Valentine gifts for my sister and I on the breakfast table. It made me feel so special, so I've decided to carry on the tradition. Mike got his cactus, a mini chocolate bar and Juju got a Cars notepad and a mini Kinder chocolate bar with a cute Russian Valentine card.  "I work!" was his response after breakfast as he sat down to scribble away.

My treat was tea and lunch with my two Valentines at Tucano Coffee. Juju sipped his "Chai", Russian for tea, ate my snack and Mike and I had a little date together. 

On our walk home Juju asked Dad to carry him home. Dad doesn't care, even if his jacket gets all muddy from Juju's boots. I think Juju likes it when his big, strong Daddy carries him.

Needless to say, it was a nice Valentine's Day.

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